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Ashwini Shivdas, founder of UNLIMITED Life Coaching believes in simplicity having understood "if you can't explain it to a five year old, you don't understand yourself." 


More than 15+ years of work experience, with different types of people introduced her to delicate flowers, raging oceans, quiet forests, towering mountains, colorful skies, thunder storms and light. She can see life from different perspectives, so she learnt to meet the sun rises, gardens and oceans. She holds a bachelors degree in BSc Fashion design and have a design studio named FLORA.

She followed her higher calling and found her life purpose as Life & Academic Coach, allowing her inborn skills using NLP tools and techniques. She has trained and coached many college students, homemaker, teachers, IT professionals, actually people from all walks of life.


She quotes, “I as Ashwini Shivadas play different roles, in different areas of my life, and carry each role as a gift  in my heart”. She resolves the issue by understanding from a deeper level rather surface level , leaving her clients transformed, freedom from confusion, better self-esteem and self-confidence with clarity .

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